Hydrogen drive on everyone’s lips: A cargo bike with a fuel cell? Of course – the BRING – DAS AGILE CARGOBIKE from BAYK AG is already in use with a fuel cell. With a fuel cell, the range can be quickly multiplied in combination with the battery. This is an enormous advantage, especially for delivery services that use cargo bikes.



new advertising contract from CONDOR for Velotaxi Frankfurt

GLS in Bielefeld and Gütersloh with the BRING

GLS in Bielefeld and Gütersloh with the BRING in daily use for environmentally friendly deliveries.

Shuttle Service with CityCRUISER in Augsburg

The City-Galerie of the ECE group has purchased two CityCRUISER for the shuttle service in Augsburg. Both CityCRUISER are perfectly branded and look great. So: Let’s go shopping!

BRING for a sustainable luggage service

As part of the Frankfurt bicycle trade fair EUROBIKE, Velotaxi Frankfurt was in action on behalf of DB Vertrieb and DB Connect with 2 BRING for a sustainable luggage service.
Under the heading DRIVERSITY, DB is testing new approaches to mobility and sustainability.
There was a stand in front of the travel center in Frankfurt Central Station on July 12th and 13th.


CareCRUISER operation

CareCRUISER – THE MOBIL EXPERIENCE in shuttle service:

BRING with Free Drive System from Schaeffler

BRING – THE AGILE CARGO BIKE with Free Drive System from Schaeffler at the Schaeffler Symposium / Kolloquium 2022.
Schaeffler’s chainless electric Free Drive system relies on by-wire technology and thus offers a whole range of advantages. The system has no mechanical connection between the generator and the motor, resulting in a drive that requires lees maintenance than with a conventional chain.

Start movie:


CareCRUISER for shuttle service at Hotels

Our CareCRUISEr now also in the shuttle service at many hotels.

The BRING is now also on the road in the city of Erlangen.

The BRING with platform in daily use at the city cleaning company in Erlangen.

Velotaxi Operation in Paris

Video about the Velotaxi operation in Paris


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